A better approach to medicine that puts the patient first.

Our Office

There are many benefits to being a member of Lynch Primary Care and one of them is our comfortable, patient-centered environment. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will greet you promptly on your arrival. At Lynch Primary Care we know and understand how valuable time is, be it time waiting, or time spent with the doctor. We have structured our practice to maximize your time with your doctor and won’t keep you waiting.

The office of Lynch Primary Care does not discriminate. Our office policies and procedures are clear. If you have any questions please call or email our office. Thank you!

Patient Forms

Before your appointment, feel free to access any of the patient forms below, fill out and bring with you!

When you come to the office, please be sure to bring an updated medication list, a photo ID and your insurance cards. We ask that you refrain from using lotions or powders on the day of your exam in case an EKG or other testing is needed.

Primary Care New Patient Forms

HRT Patient Forms

GYN New Patient Forms

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About Concierge Medicine
What is concierge medicine?

Concierge medicine is a relatively new approach to the practice of medicine that addresses the most common complaints about medical care in our country lack of access to primary care physicians and inadequate time with the doctor. A concierge practice limits the number of patients in the practice so that the doctor can see each patient in a timely manner, and each patient can have more time with the doctor. Appointments are kept on time and not rushed. In order to allow the practice to limit the number of patients and promote a higher quality of service, the practice charges a flat annual fee. The annual fee covers all office visits and the majority of in-office tests and procedures. That means the doctor does not need to bill any insurance company; nor does the patient need to fill out or submit claim forms to any insurance company. It also means that there are no co-pays or hidden charges for patients to worry about.

What are the benefits of being a member of Lynch Primary Care?

There are many, especially for patients who need to see the doctor often to monitor a condition or coordinate multiple healthcare needs. Dr. Lynch and Dr. O’Hare believe that every patient deserves the best possible healthcare, meaning access to an experienced physician, who knows and understands your health history, your beliefs and preferences, your home and work situation and other pertinent aspects of your life, all of which need to be considered when making important medical decisions.

Best of all, when you are a member of Lynch Primary Care, your doctor works for you, not an insurance company. You get the care you need directly, for one flat fee. There is no need for Dr. Lynch or Dr. O’Hare to participate in or bill any insurance plan. There is no need for you to file insurance claims.

What if I need to see a specialist?

Because Dr. Lynch and Dr. O’Hare provide so many in-office services, you will spend less time running from specialist to specialist. However, if the need for a specialist arises, Dr. Lynch and Dr. O’Hare know most of the specialists in the area and refers to those who provide patients with stellar care. Dr. Lynch and Dr. O’Hare will coordinate your care with the appropriate specialist and expedite access, if necessary.

Once I am a member of Lynch Primary Care, how can I reach Dr. Lynch or Dr. O'Hare?

With the exception of vacations and unexpected emergencies, Dr. Lynch and Dr. O’Hare are available to patients 24 hours a day. For routine or non-urgent matters, you have the option of calling the office or sending an email or fax. If you need to speak with Dr. Lynch or Dr. O’Hare regarding an urgent matter, you may contact them at the office during office hours or directly by cell phone after hours. If they are not able to take your call immediately, they will contact you as quickly as possible (usually within 10-15 minutes).

What happens when Dr. Lynch or Dr. O'Hare is away on vacation or unavailable?

Dr. Lynch and Dr. O’Hare make arrangements with an experienced Board-Certified Internist or Certified Nurse Practitioner to provide outpatient coverage during infrequent times of unavailability. These professionals have access to your records, if needed, and are as accommodating as possible.

Can family and friends see the doctor?

Lynch Primary Care is limited to members only.

Questions About Fees
What in-office services does the annual fee cover?
  • All office visits for sickness or preventive healthcare
  • Comprehensive annual medical history and physical exam focused on preventive care
  • Weight management
  • Vaccinations for tetanus and influenza
  • Cortisone injections
  • Phlebotomy (blood drawing)
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Fecal Hemoccult Testing
  • Urinalysis
  • Pulse-oximetry assessment
  • Cryosurgery for precancerous skin lesions, warts, skin tags
Will Dr. Lynch take care of me in the hospital? Will my annual fee cover hospital visits?
Dr. Lynch’s patients that are admitted at Upper Chesapeake Medical Center will be cared for by the team of hospitalists. This group of hospital-based specialists works closely with Dr. Lynch. Generally speaking, he stays abreast of his patients in Upper Chesapeake Medical Center and sees admitted patients on an as needed basis. If patients end up in another hospital, the doctor will be in close contact with the patient and their attending physician. At all times, Dr. Lynch will serve as your primary care physician and your healthcare advocate. He is also your reference source as needed.
What is the fee for being a member of Lynch Primary Care? How do I pay the fee?

The flat fee is $1,900 annually (or $5.20 per day!). There are three payment plan options to choose from:

  • $1,900 can be paid at the time of signing your contract and then yearly thereafter,
  • $164* can be paid on a monthly basis, or
  • $489* can be paid on a quarterly basis.

NOTE: Making monthly or quarterly installments does cost slightly more due to fees paid to the bank for automatic installment billing. New patients can become members in the practice by sending in their signed contract along with the first installment of whichever plan they choose.

* ALL installment payments must be made using a credit card or other automatic payment source. If you choose to pay annually, $1900 will be due on the anniversary of your membership date.

Can I pay my fee through a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or cafeteria plan?
In most cases, the answer is yes. These pre-tax funded accounts were established to cover non-reimbursed medical expenses, which would include the enhanced benefits and preventive care you receive in a concierge practice. For patients who prefer a concierge practice, combining a Flexible Spending Account with a high-deductible health insurance plan can result in substantial savings, as compared to traditional insurance plans. Please contact your accountant or health insurance plan administrator for more information. (The “PATIENT” section at the web site www.simpd.org does a great job of explaining how this works.)
What if I move away or have to leave the practice? Will I be reimbursed some portion of the annual fee?
Yes. If you need to leave the practice for any reason, you will be reimbursed on a pro-rated basis. You also will receive a complete copy of your medical records at no charge.
Questions About Insurance
I have health insurance. Why should I pay extra to be part of the practice?
Having health insurance does not assure anyone that they will get quality healthcare. Patients still need a medical “home.” They need someone to call “their doctor,” someone who is well trained and accessible, a go-to person to guide them through the healthcare system. This is very difficult to achieve in today’s typical rushed practices, and this is why concierge practices have become increasingly popular.

In order to offer the highest level of personalized care and access possible, Dr. Lynch has placed a cap on the number of patients in the practice. That cap ensures that he will be available to his patients whenever needed and that he can spend quality time with each patient.

Do I still need insurance if I join the practice?
Yes. A concierge practice is not an insurance plan and is not meant to replace your health insurance. In his practice, Dr. Lynch has a personal agreement with each patient to provide medical care without the restrictions, frustrations and piles of paperwork associated with insurance companies. However, you still need health insurance to help cover the cost of specialist visits, hospitalizations, labs, x-rays and other fees that typically arise outside of your primary care physician’s office.
My HMO requires me to have a Primary Care Provider (PCP). Can I still join the practice?
If you belong to an HMO, a doctor in that HMO’s network must act as your “PCP” for required approvals and referrals. You may still join Lynch Primary Care, as long as you understand that for the purposes of your HMO, Dr. Lynch cannot act as your PCP.
If I participate in a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), can I still join the practice?
If your health insurance plan is a PPO, you may join the practice. For PPO insurance purposes, Dr. Lynch is considered an “out of network” physician.
Can I submit bills to my PPO for my own reimbursement if I join?
Yes, you may submit bills (which we will provide to you) to your insurance company for potential reimbursement, if you wish. If you do submit a claim, the reimbursement will be yours to keep because you will have already paid your annual fee.
What if I am on Medicare? Can I join the practice?
Medicare patients are welcome. You will enjoy the personalized care and unhurried pace of office visits with Dr. Lynch. You will spend less time running from specialist to specialist, and you will have more access to an experienced doctor who knows you and your entire medical history. You also will appreciate having the predictable cost of one flat annual fee for all of your office and in-hospital visits with the doctor.